The Show Ring
Traditionally, the show ring served as a platform for cattle breeders to showcase their livestock to the public, helping market their genetics. Unfortunately, the show ring has become so detached from practical realities that many of the top breeders of functional cattle no longer see value in participating.
While we recognize that livestock shows are fundamentally flawed due to the impossibility of a 'one size fits all' approach to cattle genetics across diverse environments, we still want to educate the public on what truly functional cattle should look like and reward the animals that are relevant to the industry.

The Next Generation
Sadly, the next generation of livestock producers are being taught that animals that a commercial producer would never touch are the best that the industry has to offer. We argue that the future generations are destined to fail in livestock production with the genetics that are being promoted.
Request a Judge or Consultant
John Atkinson
Cell: +61 438-337-138
Email: cashmerecattleco@gmail.com
Grant Vassberg
Cell: +1 979-204-3126
Email: grantvassberg@gmail.com