The Genetics we offer come from breeders who understand that raising cattle is not meant to be a game. 

Sustainable genetics are the future of our industry.

We are here to help feed the world.

Profitability for the Cattleman

If all the Universities, breeding consultants, genetic companies, and breed associations promote profitability, then why does the average breeder only last 4-5 years in the registered cattle industry?

A true cattleman knows that a profitable cow raises a calf every year on minimal inputs, which is the definition of sustainable genetics. What if today’s data and technologies promote the completely wrong animals?

Roughly 85% of the cattle in the world are Bos Indicus influenced, but very few Brahman breeders in the United States have actually focused on producing fertile, productive type cattle.

Internationally, some countries are averaging 40% calf crops in their cattle operations. Many of these ranchers have struggled trying to figure out what they are doing wrong. Many of them would never have guessed, that one of the main reasons they may be struggling is because of the genetics they have been importing from the United States.

In the United States, the cattle population in 2024 is the lowest it has been in over 50 years, and the productivity of the cattle herds is dropping.

We are here to fix this by providing the right genetics for the right environment.

Saving the Cattleman

Sadly, there is a debate in the cattle industry on how heritable fertility is. True cattlemen know in their gut that fertility is highly heritable. The way data is promoted and which genetics are being pushed, the cattlemen today are being destroyed. By conducting our own research, we are here to preserve the knowledge of the cattlemen, and to prove them right.

The Right Genetics

For the Right Environment

Different environments require different genetics. We are here to work with breeders to try to find the genetics that are best suited for their ranch.

Herd Sires

Donor Females

The Breeders

Our Genetics come from breeders who stick to the principles of raising cattle

  • Bulls are hormonally Masculine and Females are hormonally Feminine.

  • Cows have to have a calf every year.

  • Cows have to have good feet, good udders, and raise a healthy calf.

  • Cattle work for the Rancher, the Rancher does not have to work for his cattle.


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